Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Very Happy

Very happy that the Senate vote passed to Health Care Bill today.

Thanks to miss Olympia Snowe of the GOP and Max Baucus for all their panhandling and such.

Today I went on a silent walk through campus in my Curiousness class then proceeded to write a poem about it. They poem was ok.

Actually, here it is:

sounds of swish and swashing fill the air.
the noise of Tuesday's traveling students.
Vroom and such, in the street,
maybe the grace of an occasional tweet
bizzbuzzbizz says the murmer of a midday commons.
the occasional word
made clear from the mush.
Sizzle of the sun on the pavement and asphalt,
Creates a bright pallette of maximal viewing pleasure.
Clomp of the heel of a hurried professor,
haha to the jesting of laughable friends.
silence through the darkened tunnel of street.
the chord is finished by the guitarist's feat.
and twice repeated again as needed.

It's not the best because I wrote it in the 15 minute time constraint that I was allotted in class today.

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