Monday, October 12, 2009

My contra asset account's running low

Whatever happened to the days when I liked talking with my teachers, doing school work, being involved. Maybe that was in the day when I was in a house full of food and comfort, had a car that was a reliable mode of transport, was supported by my teachers that actually knew my name, etc.

Not that I don't appreciate not being on my own and having my own responsibilities. It's just I can't stretch myself too thin with a ridiculous amount of activities that are nonprofit and totally selfless. I've done that for so long. Now I want to meet interesting people, somewhat outside of that realm. I realize I will have to go outside of this for some interaction, but some of the most interesting people that I have met this far have been completely outside of school.

A brief declaration of my intent this semester.

1. Become more devoted to music, investing more and more into creativity.

2.Become more devoted to a lifestyle of continual learning.

3. Avoid negative outlets (Hang with Mary more at the Sangha)

4. Absorb Nature and cleanse what negativity I do absorb.

Just a few things keeping me running for the time being. (Well besides Glee and the obvious secret indulgences)

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