Back and better than ever after such an unworthy hiatus.
My apologies for such a long absence. Yesterday was the long awaited and much celebrated 4/20. I spent the night first with a small dosage of some stimulants, then some psychotropic delights, and finished it off with a bit of the ol' caf and intoxicants.
I caught up with some old friends and chilled at my spot for awhile. There was some bike-riding and some smoking of cigarettes as well. I was utterly delighted by the course of events which occupied my time past when I was released from the ho hum of the daily routine.
Now as I sit surrounded by the amalgam of good literature and media from which a good friend supplied me I can't help but think of all the opportunities that have been supplied for me to enjoy the state I am currently in. I thank Joseph, John, Mary, and all those fictional characters for what they could never supply, and optimistically crawl in a the direction of my ambitions.
-save LiLO.
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